Kaleidoscope video

Using After Effects and a video of my computer monitor dying:

Chandelier YouTube


Woodford Folk Festival Fire Event

I set up a you tube channel (kassandramovingimage) to start uploading media that is moving image hence the name of the channel. I have opted for the expression moving image for those times when the media is not technically a video.

The first ever moving image that I have uploaded to you tube is from the Woodford Folk Festival Fire Event. As the description says I took this video because it is a very unique viewpoint as the 80-180k or so people watching are sitting up on top of the hill where they cannot actually see the stage or performers but they can see pretty lights, feel the atmosphere and watch the fireworks or the fire (2011/12 there was no actual fire at the fire event).

Video taken on Nikon P5100 640x480px
1 January 2012